Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Day at a Time

Have you ever had a really good idea? You have this great endpoint worth achieving. But you have no clue how to get there or where to start.
That's how I feel about blogging. I have a goal I want to achieve, but I don't know where to begin. How does one go about their first blog? Do they jump in with an intelligent topic, or just ramble on (like I am now)?

I *obviously* do not know how to blog. Perhaps some context is necessary. Like any story, goal, or idea, there is a beginning. Since I do not have one for my blog-goal, let me start with mine.

Hi. I am Allison. I...

Okay, maybe that is not what I need.  How about I start with my goal?

I want to be an encouragement. I want to be an encouragement to teens struggling with the things of this world and generation. I want to stand with fellow believers around the world who are sold out for Jesus Christ and what He has done in their life as well as mine. I want to be hope for humanity that not everyone in the world wants to hurt one another. I want to be a loving reminder to those who are fixed on the reality of the darkness of this world that there loving people who are on The Winning Side. I want to be a wake up call to the people who think that everything is going to be happy and lovey-dovey and easy in life. I want to be there for the person who thinks they are alone when they are not.

See what I mean about no where to start?

I am theatre-kid who is involved in several productions a season. My current role is Girl in Check, Please Take II presented by Crosswise Drama Troupe this weekend. Near the end I have a line that says, "Why don't we just start over... as friends... and just take it a day at a time?" I will have to take this extremely large goal "a day at a time" and go from there. That is all I can do. But even if I do not accomplish all parts of this goal, if I can lead one person to the feet of Christ and help them reach salvation, or give someone hope for tomorrow in the storm of today, or just make one lonely person feel like they are not alone for 30 seconds... it would all be worth it.

So here it goes.

A day at a time...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Allison! I completely agree! Great Job in Check, Please Take II, btw! You were brilliant! Can't wait for your next show AND your next post!

  3. oh. and sorry about the sketchy "This post has been removed by the author." I had some serious spelling mistakes. haha not ready to embarrass myself on the www just yet.
